Wednesday, March 12, 2014

wednesday 12.03.14: 8:46pm - the textile forum.

+ Last thursday, I went to the textile forum fabric exhibition in London
+ It was good to go, but less useful for someone interested in making fabrics as none of the companies there produced anything in England and very few designed their own fabrics. 
+ however it was good for me to see what was current in the industry. 
+ Lots of lace, embroidery, bright prints, embellishment. Minimal floral surprisingly, and lots of gingham and check which made me happy to know that traditional British print designs were still current in fashion.
+ the sun was out in London so that was great, my iphone crashed (not so great), but my day ended with a burger & frozen custard from shake shack! (Thank you D!)
+ overall, a mildly decent experience.
+will i go again? As an exhibitor, yes. As a client / customer? Nah.